
Work Experience Placement With Burke Niazi Solicitors

July 27th, 2017

I did a short term work experience placement with Burke Niazi Solicitors. As soon as I started, the staff made me feel very welcome and they also educated me about their areas of expertise. I am able to confidently say that I have a better understanding of mental health and family law.


‘widespread failings’ found in Gloucestershire children’s services

July 7th, 2017

Ofsted, the government watchdog, has been cracking down on children services failures throughout the country, namely in Gloucestershire, Middlesbrough, and Birmingham. Reports have found fundamental issues within Children’s Services in these areas and have been rated as inadequate by Ofsted, stating the main causes for concern being the services’ leadership teams.


What does the Future Hold for the Mental Health System and for those Within it?

June 14th, 2017

In the upcoming election, Theresa May has recently released her manifesto stating her intent to replace the “flawed Mental Health Act” last revised in 2007. May states that instead, she plans on replacing it with a new Mental Health Treatment Bill.


Re J (Children) [2017] EWCA Civ 398

June 7th, 2017

This was an appeal by the Mother and the oldest child A against final care orders made in respect of three children aged 16, 14 and 12 respectively, at an adjourned Issues Resolution Hearing (“IRH”). The issue was whether the judge was wrong in the procedure he adopted to make the final orders at the IRH, in particular, in circumstances where two of the children were not represented. The appeal was allowed.


Is the family justice system out of touch with modern society?

May 26th, 2017

Resolution, an association of family lawyers have put forward four proposals to each of the major parties ahead of the general election. Resolution Chair Nigel Shepard has called for MPs to commit to introducing no-fault divorce, giving cohabiting couples who make up 10% of the population some basic legal rights, more financial clarity on divorce and ensuring fair access to the justice system.


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